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Thema: Patch !!

  1. #1
    Zombie Avatar von d,,p
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    Patch !!

    Ich bin am donwloaden....

    Updates to Total War: SHOGUN 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:


    DirectX 11 support, including
    Advanced Shadows
    Support for MSAA 2x,4x,8x.
    Enhanced Depth of Field
    Tessellation Support
    Anti-aliasing support

    Note: Enabling Anisotropic Texture Filtering on DirectX9 is not working in this update. This will be fixed in the next patch.

    General fixes (includes single player and multiplayer fixes)
    Fixed firing-arc overlay for blinding grenades to show minimum range
    Slight changes to the intercept for igniting buildings
    Fix for battlefield dominance being awarded to both players
    Fixed triggers for the Elusive Strikeforce and Inspiring Counterattack achievements
    Legendary force achievable in single player
    Fix for stacking effects
    Ninja hiding tweaks
    Change to how victory types are assigned so that Heroic victories are a bit rarer (they're the most common now) and decisive / close are more common. Pyrrhic can be more common than before
    Fixed entities floating outside castle wall when they get knocked down or knocked flying while climbing off the top of walls
    Fixed bug with looping transition animation due to move orders with invalid path locations being spammed by the squad repeatedly
    Capture buildings cache if the building was captured from held before telling the Aide de camp
    Improved torch caching
    Fix for crash in battlefield zone cursor intersection
    Adjustment to AI to make it more difficult for the AI to use cavalry against spearmen
    Fix for drop-in ambushes not starting if the player under ambush presses 'Start Battle' first
    Ship banners are now appearing correctly in replays
    Fix for men staying at the bottom of the walls when they are attacked whilst climbing
    In naval replays, some ships’ flags were appearing in the wrong colours, now fixed
    Order to burn down a building now finishes if the building is destroyed by other means
    Fix to rare crash when placing mines in naval battles
    Experience system revision: experience-level thresholds rebalanced to allow for faster overall level-progression. Per-unit-type threshold multiplier introduced that scales the thresholds to compensate for differences in the damage output of different unit types. AI experience levels now fully derived from combat (the AI experience boosting mechanism has been removed).
    Updated pre-battle speeches to take greater advantage of available situational information
    Grass and scrub no longer gets in the way of the camera during pre-battle speeches
    Armies sharing the same deployment zone are no longer deployed on top of each other by default
    Fixed bug in tracking-camera caused by restricted camera behaviour activated by Legendary difficulty mode
    Improved first-person camera and projectile camera: time dilation effect is now relative to projectile speed. Artillery engine crew now trigger the projectile camera when their engine fires. Projectile camera remains stationary at the projectile's terminus to allow the player to see the results
    Pre-battle speeches now distinguish between multiple causes of the gates being forced open at the start of the battle
    Adjustments to morale calculations, dependent on who is in control of an army and in what context. Allows for fine-tuning of morale calculations separately for single-player humans, multiplayer humans and AI armies
    Improved the calculation of unit combat status. This corrects errors in the reporting of a unit's tooltip win/loss state, and also fixes some issues in the unit morale calculations that use this status information
    New weather gameplay effects added: Fog now causes a range penalty to all missile units, and causes non-commanding units to be hidden at a distance of 600m or more, even if they are out of cover
    Fixed issue where the Total War camera sometimes snaps downwards when switching the camera type and/or starting a transition. (This was particularly evident at the end of the pre-battle cinematic)
    Fixed issue in reinforcements system that allows multiple armies to feed more units into one army than is allowed on the battlefield
    Fixed crash-bug caused by placing Yari Ashigaru into pike wall formation, then incrementing/decrementing their formation width and moving the unit before ending the deployment phase
    Fixed issue that allowed siege defenders in ‘fight to the death’ mode to continue fighting in the end phase of battle after their fort was successfully captured by the attacking force
    Pre-battle speeches are now disabled in custom battles if the player does not field a General
    Fixed crash bug where the Stand and Fight special ability was used in a custom battle on a general unit that had been removed and re-added to the battle setup
    Fixed crash bug resulting from construction of an RTS camera with specified position
    Fixed crash bug that could sometimes occur when the FPS camera's context-entity died
    Cinematic camera movement speed is no longer height-relative. This allows for greater control and adjustment of camera positions in the cinematic editor
    Fixed flaw in unit logic that could cause a crash in the multiplayer lobby when interacting with a veteran unit that has zero men.
    Pre-battle speeches now allow for minor clans to be playable.

    Naval combat
    Fixed intercepting with surrendered ships
    Fixed ships getting stuck on the edge of the battlefield
    Fixed sail-configuration not fully working when using speed-up
    Fixed enemy naval mines being visible in deployment
    Hull-damage indicators now consistent across campaign and naval battles

    Audio rebalancing
    Added projectile injury sounds
    Added special ability UI sounds
    Added new unit melee sounds (male/female units, swords/spears, mixed)
    UI sound when unit ordered to climb wall
    Naval mines trigger launch sound
    Front-end seasonal sounds to match scene
    Fixed problem with music not playing on custom battle screen
    Music volume now defaults to 75%
    Fixed rare issue with sounds not triggering after extended gameplay
    Separate sounds for female units
    Added reverb for distance sounds
    Fix for host being able to hear UI sounds for units that have been gifted to another player
    Fixed move-UI sound being played instead of attack-UI sound when choosing artillery bombardment location
    Added new sound when buildings selected in campaign map
    Aide de camp now supported during pre-battle speech

    User interface
    Fix for some effect-bundle tooltips being cut off
    Fixed finance summary profit totals
    Fixed radar map image not updating when new clan discovered, and fixed rebel-owned region tooltip
    Fixed front-end camera transition
    Fixed mpc win movies showing same faction for both allies
    Fixed radar flee- icon crash bug
    Changed public-order display on finance panel to show current factors (rather than predicted)
    Re-enabled slider for mission-event text
    Fix to block co-op tax exemption exploit
    Fixed assassination-movie location bug with garrisoned generals
    Fixed bribe/move options panel text
    Fixed mpc multi-turn move diplomacy panel exploit
    Added extra update for diplomacy 3D model view
    Fixed avatar snapshot uploading so that it only occurs when avatar changes
    Made regions with imminent rebellion flash red on public order maps
    Changed ‘become shogun’ event message into a movie popup
    Mousing-over factions in diplomatic relations now previews faction details
    Fixed avatars with bow-skill not loading customised model into battles
    Added display of convalescing characters into radar list
    Fixed agent options crash bug
    Customised avatar of opposing player in MP battles now loading correctly
    Fix for saving replays in results screen
    Battle-regroup flag now has tooltip and is shown on radar
    Fix for cards getting stuck to cursor
    Enabled right-click on multiplayer units to show encyclopedia
    Made selected cards more recognisable
    Minor chat fixes and polish
    Fixed toggling of group-behaviour
    Text input improvements
    Added timer to special-ability buttons to display cooldown in minutes/seconds when mousing over
    Morale and charge bonus icons now show correct images on unit-information panel, and now show in campaign
    Weather/Waiting panel in battle now gives details on effects current weather will have on battle
    Added extra guarding for accessing model to prevent potential crashes
    Modified drag-out behaviour so if user holds CTRL while dragging out units, they will walk to destination

    Battle camera
    Fixed bug in historic battles where the camera would be left in cinematic mode after the end of the intro cutscene (particularly in Okehazama where it never returned to normal)
    Sekigahara and Okehazama historic battle in-game cutscenes are now skippable
    Heat haze in Nagashino historic battle reduced

    Campaign map
    Katana cavalry is no longer immune to attrition
    Wako trade ships upkeep cost reduced (to match other trade ships)
    Various fixes in general's retainers
    Increased chance of critical success for successful actions
    Slightly increased the value of resources not traded away
    Changed general skill ‘strategist’ to award the movement extension instantly (not just in the beginning of a new turn)
    Fixed issue where rebellion in regions could happen without prior warning of unrest
    Fixed issue where rebellion could happen in region on the turn after it was captured
    Finances map now shows regions that will rebel next turn as flashing. Tax-exempt regions with negative public-order value also flash
    Movement-distance display now updated when skills applied
    Random first-level art picked for research in first turn if researching nothing
    Accuracy mod bonus applied correctly
    Fix for issue where double-click on character skills could make skill points get lost
    Added preferences variable to control campaign-camera edge-scroll delay
    Re-added ‘trade route raided’ messages
    Fixed navies being deregistered from trade nodes when the commander dies
    Trade-route raiding now updates when war declared
    Fixed predicted number of turns for replenishment
    Fixed issue that wouldn't always allow navy-merging very close to trade nodes.
    Fixed rare lockup with agent acting against garrisoned settlement
    Fixed Namban trade port not updating number of available trade routes correctly
    Fixed path-finding state bug which could leave armies unable to move for a turn.
    Fixed inability to disembark army from navy in port which is under blockade.
    Fixed negative bonus-value modifiers for looting
    Fixed instance of trade route removal not cancelling existing raids
    Fixed rare disembark-at-port problem
    Reordered code on becoming Shogun to prevent inappropriate messages being issued
    In Diplomacy, probability of acceptance is now reported as high for gifts
    Fixed crash in family-system after adopting uncle back into family
    Workaround for bad path-finding data in starting position
    Fixed rare lockup where army disembarks from navy into zone-of-control in player settlement, the navy is too close to a third party neutral navy, and the player declines to attack the disembarking army
    Fixed rare load-crash when loading a pre-battle save game during an AI turn when that AI had previously issued a multi-turn order that involved an army disembarking from the navy in a future turn
    Agents will no longer play multi-turn action animations if the player cannot afford the action
    Autoresolve battle visual fix: army cannot drop to zero soldiers before the last round
    Night battle support for pending battle power-bar. Will update if night battle is selected (and if the UI queries the value again)
    Autoresolver will destroy or capture ships that are too weak to be used in battle
    Repairing a ship in a port no longer invalidates its hull panel information.
    Fixed a glow under the shroud when a castle is under siege
    Kyoto has an additional defence bonus in the autoresolver
    Improved defensive behaviour of single-region clans when building up forces to attack
    Improved force conglomeration when pulling in defensive forces from distant regions
    Fixed Bribe and Demoralise action-usage
    Fixed naval-repair behaviour
    Fixed minor clan alliance-breaking behaviour
    Fixed a number of issues that may lead to corrupted save games
    Fixed a number of AI-recoverable lockup issues
    Fixed number of AI/model positional inconsistencies
    Some efficiency improvements
    Fixed case where ninjas could end up standing on top of each other
    Fixed issue with not being able to back out of a sally-out attack
    Fixed issue with not being able to withdraw from an attack against an army that is standing very close to a castle (but not besieging) when the attacking army is inside that castle
    Fixed various issues with agents remaining in castles or armies they shouldn't be in after creating a vassal or bribing an army or castle
    Fixed AI lockup involving agents attempting to join a force that already contains three characters
    Fixed not being able to issue an order to blockade a port when the cursor was over a navy inside that port
    Fixed rare crash in recruitment system where armies could end up with the wrong unit leading the force
    Fixed issue with being unable to issue orders to agents inside a castle
    Improved recruit-to-general performance, especially when clan has a very large number of regions
    Sabotage Building action now applies a varying amount of damage linked to the ninja’s skill
    Fixed rare bug of a new Daimyo spawning a castle where a battle had just occurred, forcing the battle to be fought again
    Fixed spawned Ashikaga clan armies appearing on top of Ninjas
    Agents can no longer be recruited within besieged settlements
    Reinstated missing realm-divide event-log entry
    Fixed generals defecting to Wako or European Traders
    Fixed issue with AI not correctly issuing Demoralise and Bribe orders
    Fixed rare crash bug where merge-cursor would appear when the cursor was over a farm or special building, when the user had a navy with an agent onboard selected
    Fixed night battles being able to exclude a human player from participating in a battle
    Fixed lockup when carrying out a bribe action when another character is moving
    Building Sabotage events now show region name
    Fixed rare crash involving ambushers standing on top of each other
    Fixed Generals enlisted statistic so it takes into account generals acquired via dilemmas
    All newly recruited Geishas will be between 18 and 25 years of age
    Agent options dialogue no longer appears if the target army is in the same clan but already contains the maximum number of agents
    Removed gap in Agent Indicator flag on enemy army which signified Ninja presence
    Fixed bribed armies not ending their siege
    Fixed armies created via Incite Revolt appearing on top of the monk that incited the revolt
    Fixed rare crash in matched animations on campaign map

    Removed passive ‘encourage friendly morale’ bonus from General’s units
    Increased flanking morale-penalties
    Changed casualty morale-penalties to be smaller at low casualty levels, and higher at large casualty levels
    Reduced siege-unit accuracy
    Increased detonation-radius on fire rockets
    Inspire ability bonus to morale reduced to 10 from 12
    Inspire ability bonus to accuracy reduced to 15 from 40
    Inspire ability bonus to reload reduced from 50 to 20
    Inspire ability bonus to melee attack reduced from 7 to 3
    Rapid Volley reload-rate bonus reduced from 70 to 30
    Whistling Arrow penalties to units reduced
    Fixed Hattori Daimyo's portrait in campaign
    Tweaked AI recruitment-priorities so more clan-specific units are recruited
    Added in missing bridge map from Iwami province
    Fixed errors with some Yari Ashigaru unit morale values, so clan specific versions now always have higher morale than generic versions

    Multiplayer-specific fixes

    Unit costs
    Increased multiplayer costs of Cannon bune and Nihon Maru to 4000 and 5000
    Morale for Warrior Monks reduced by 2
    Naginata Warrior Monks melee attack reduced by 3
    Bow Cavalry cost reduced to 650
    Katana Cavalry cost reduced to 800
    Yari Cavalry cost increased to 850
    Fire Projecting Mangonels cost increased to 1500
    Fire Rockets cost increased to 1800
    European Cannons cost increased to 1500

    14k is now the maximum fund bracket for matchmade battles
    Reduced siege unit accuracy
    Inspire ability bonus to morale reduced to 10 from 12
    Inspire ability bonus to accuracy reduced to 15 from 40
    Inspire ability bonus to reload reduced from 50 to 20
    Inspire ability bonus to melee attack reduced from 7 to 3
    Whistling Arrow penalties to units reduced
    All siege maps: Defender has 60% of funds instead of 50%

    Removed passive encourage friendly morale bonus from generals units
    Increased flanking morale penalties
    Changed casualty morale penalties to be smaller at low casualty levels and higher at large casualty levels
    Increased detonation radius on fire rockets
    Rapid volley reload rate bonus reduced from 70 to 30

    Alt-F4 problem fixed. When any player disconnects from a matchmade battle, they will accrue a loss regardless of whether they are the host, or not. The player disconnecting will also suffer a 5% penalty on their ELO rating. The player not disconnecting will receive a win. It is, however, possible that wins accrued in this way will not update correctly on the leaderboard and avatar stats. All other gains from the win do work (eg unlocking of units, clan points, ELO skill rating etc)
    Enemy avatar customisations are now viewable in battle
    Bug where team matchmade battles always use small funds has been fixed
    Veteran unit speed upgrades are now working
    The ‘Hold firm’ clan speciality has been fixed
    The ‘Scares enemies’ clan speciality has been fixed
    Bug where matchmade battles sometimes result in incorrect battle type has been fixed
    Occasional soft lock in ‘opponent found, arranging battle’ has been fixed
    Various fixes to the matchmaking system and networking code
    Ability to delete hero units has been removed.
    Ability to clone veteran units has been fixed
    Bug where players randomly drop ELO points has been fixed

    4 new multiplayer maps:
    Hida Mountain
    Flood Plains
    Sanriku Ria
    Nachdenken ist für Menschen wie Schwimmen für Katzen: Wir können es zwar, aber nur wenn es gar nicht anders geht.

  2. #2
    Registrierter Benutzer Avatar von Mark
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    Das Biest hat bei mir 2,14 GB. Und das, obwohl ich das Spiel wohl auf aktuellem Stand hatte.
    Übersicht meiner bisherigen und laufenden Storys hier im Forum

    Und durch seine Klugheit wird ihm der Betrug geraten, und er wird sich in seinem Herzen erheben, und mitten im Frieden wird er viele verderben und wird sich auflehnen wider den Fürsten allen Fürsten.


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