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Ergebnis 361 bis 364 von 364

Thema: Diskussion: Zauber und Beförderungen

  1. #361
    FFH2 Übersetzungsteam Avatar von Kontrollator
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    Achtung Spoiler:
    <English>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</English>
    <French>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</French>
    <German>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</German>
    <Italian>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</Italian>
    <Spanish>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</Spanish>
    <English>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</English>
    <French>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</French>
    <German>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</German>
    <Italian>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</Italian>
    <Spanish>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</Spanish>
    <English>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</English>
    <French>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</French>
    <German>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</German>
    <Italian>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</Italian>
    <Spanish>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</Spanish>
    <English>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</English>
    <French>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</French>
    <German>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</German>
    <Italian>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</Italian>
    <Spanish>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</Spanish>
    <English>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</English>
    <French>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</French>
    <German>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</German>
    <Italian>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</Spanish>
    <English>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</English>
    <French>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</French>
    <German>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</German>
    <Italian>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</Italian>
    <Spanish>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</Spanish>
    <English>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</English>
    <French>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</French>
    <German>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</German>
    <Italian>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</Italian>
    <Spanish>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</Spanish>
    <English>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</English>
    <French>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</French>
    <German>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</German>
    <Italian>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</Italian>
    <Spanish>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</Spanish>

  2. #362
    paranoider Irrer Avatar von The_J
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    verrat ich nicht
    Achtung Spoiler:
    <English>This Chislev Worldspell calls the warriors of the tribe together. Every "Council of the Warchief" produces a number of units in it's city, based on city population and the current technologies available. The more prepared and developed the tribe is when the worldspell cast, the more warriors will answer the call to war and the more skilled they will be.</English>
    <German>Der Weltzauber der Chislev (?) ruft alle Krieger des Stammes zusammen. Jeder "Stammesrat" (?) produziert eine Anzhal von Einheiten in der entsprechenden Stadt, abhängig von der Stadtgröße und den verfügbaren Technologien Je fortschrittlicher und vorbereiteter der Stamm ist, wenn der Weltzauber gesprochen wird, desto mehr Krieger werden dem Ruf antworten, und desto fähiger werden sie sein.</German>
    <English>[ICON_BULLET]Creates units in cities with "Council of the Warchief"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Requires at least one "Council of the Warchief" to be completed.</English>
    <German>[ICON_BULLET]Erschafft Einheiten in Städten mit einem "Stammesrat"[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Mindestens ein "Stammesrat" muss bereits vorhanden sein.</German>
    <English>By reminding the Chislev warriors of the wrongs done to their people, Meskwaki can inspire a fury in them that causes them to fall upon their foes with unchecked wrath. Thoughts of self-preservation are lost as the warriors simply wish to avenge themselves and their tribe. The warparty strikes fiercely, but takes heavy losses against any organized opponent's counter-attack.</English>
    <German>Indem er die Chislev-Krieger daran erinnert, welche Verbrechen an ihrem Volk begangen wurden, kann Meskwaki sie dazu aufhetzten, mit ungezügeltem Zorn über ihre Gegner herzufallen. Der Selbsterhaltungstrieb wird dabei vollkommen ausgeschaltet, der Krieger will nur noch sich und seinen Stamm rächen. Der Mob (fällt nix passenders ein) schlägt ohne Gnade und mit großer Gewalt zu, erleidet aber schwere Verluste gegen einen organisierten Feind.</German>
    <English>A warrior carries much to aid him in battle, but much of this can be discarded in favour of speed. Afterall- new equipment can often be found at the destination.</English>
    <German>Ein Krieger muss viel Gepäck tragen, welches er im Kampf benötigt, aber dies verlangt seinen Preis bei der Geschwindigkeit. Aber gute Ausrüstung kann auch am Ziel gefunden werden.</German>
    <English>Whilst the Austrin armies tend to travel with little equipment, they will normally scavenge or create weapons as they near the battlefield.</English>
    <German>Da die austrinischen (?) Armeen normalerweise mit leichtem Gepäck reisen, rauben oder schmieden sie ihre Waffen normalerweise direkt vor der Schlacht.</German>
    <English>Using this ability returns the unit to normal speed and removes the combat penalty from travelling light. It does take a full turn to take effect however and does not restore weapon promotions - these must be regained in a city.</English>
    <German>Das Benutzen dieser Eigenschaft gibt der Einheit ihre normale Geschwindigkeit zurück und entfernt den Kampfmalus durch "wandelndes Licht" (?). Dies dauert eine Runde lang, und es gibt den Einheiten auch nicht die Waffenbeförderungen zurück - diese müssen in einer Stadt zurückerlangt werden.</German>
    <English>When the air itself turns against you, there's nowhere left to run.</English>
    <German>Wenn die Luft selbst sich gegen dich wendet, gibt es kein Entkommen mehr.</German>
    <English>[ICON_BULLET]Immobilizes all enemy units in your territory for a random amount of time (1-5 turns)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]May create air elementals in your territory with a random duration (1-5 turns)</English>
    <German>[ICON_BULLET]Lähmt alle Einheiten in deinem Gebiet für eine zufällige Rundenanzahl (1-5 Runden)[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Kann Luftelemtare in deinen Gebiet erschaffen, die zufällig lange Leben (1-5 Runden)</German>
    Zum Download bereit: Civ4-Mod "Mars, jetzt!"

    "Frei sein heißt wählen können, wessen Sklave man sein will." (Jeanne Moreau, 1928 - )

    "Immer wenn man die Meinung der Mehrheit teilt, ist es Zeit, sich zu besinnen." (Mark Twain, 1835 - 1910)

  3. #363
    FFH2 Übersetzungsteam Avatar von Kontrollator
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    Die Beförderung "Keen Sight"

    Ich würde vorschlagen wir nennen das ding "Adlerauge"

  4. #364
    Registrierter Benutzer
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